The Last Altar Call

This particular song from the Songs of Sermonettes was recorded by myself and a 10 year old little boy in NC. His name just happen to be Sammy I found out on the day of the recording. How ironic God would send me a Sammy to read the child's part!
God is so good and give us wonderful surprises from time to time!

I pray you are blessed by this song and the other 9 on this CD. If you or your Gospel Groups would
be interested in recording this or any of the Songs of Sermonettes, please contact
us for Lyrics and Soundtracks.
Olyn & Connie Burrow

This song playing,'The Last Altar Call' along with 9 others are available for possible recording by you or your Gospel Group. Contact Olyn or Connie Burrow for more information, lyrics and soundtracks.
© 1997 All Rights Reserved

*Note-The Sermonette playing on this page is now a Recitation Gospel Song on CD available for possible recording contract, along with nine others.
Please Email Olyn or Connie Burrow for more Information!

We pray you will listen and be touched by the truthfulness in this child's words.
I would like to dedicate this Sermonette and song to Alexander, or Alex in WVA, as we have had the awesome opportunity of meeting him online and learning of his illness. He's such a little prayer warrior!

He has a very rare, incurable disease and its a mriacle he is still here today. Alex, we love you sweety....and we know God's Angels are watching over you every minute.
We all love you here online and are praying for you daily.
God Bless you Alex!
Love, Connie
Graphics Disclaimer
All Tags, Headers, Backgrounds and Graphics seen on the Gospel Pin (R) web site were created by Kairos Publishing.  Our Webmaster, Connie Burrow used images, tubes and various portions of artwork received in  online Christian PSP Graphics Group who share found or received images. The original artists are unknown in all of these special Tags, Backgrounds and Headers we created. Only partial images from various artwork were used to create our own graphics.  These images are not used for any commercial resale. They are only borrowed to create a valuable Biblical statement, Titles, Tags and story illustrations to enhance this Web Site.

If you are or know the original artist of any of the images seen on our web site, please let us know ASAP. We will promptly remove any of our Graphics at the original Artists request. We would greatly appreciate  receiving permission to use what we have created and will be more than willing to acknowledge the original Artist and give them proper Credit for creating such beautiful art.

All Lyrics & Melodies on this Demo CD are Registered & Copywritten for protection by law 1993. Please do not use or record without permission of the Author's Consent.