Go Away Satan leans more towards Blue Grass with a fast tempo. This song is also on the Demo and is available for possible recording by you or your Gospel Music Group.
If you are interested in this song or any of the other nine songs on this Demo, please contact Olyn or Connie Burrow for more information.
Graphics Disclaimer
All Tags, Headers, Backgrounds and Graphics seen on the Gospel Pin (R) web site were created by Connie's Heavenly Creations. I used images, tubes and various portions of artwork received in an online Christian PSP Graphics Group who share found or received images. The original artists is unknown in any of these partial images from various artwork I used to create my own graphics, nor am I using them for any commercial resale. They are only borrowed to create a valuable Biblical statement, Titles, Tags and other Graphics to enhance this Web Site.

If you are or know the original artist of any of the images seen on our website, please let us know ASAP. I will promptly remove any of our Graphics at the original Artists request. I would honestly rather receive permission to use what I have created and will be more than willing to acknowledge the original Artist and give them proper Credit for creating such beautiful art. 
The song playing is one of 10 on my Demo CD, please stop and listen to its message. If you are interested in possibly recording this or any of the other songs heard on Songs of Sermonettes, please Email me for more information.  A special thank you to all who were involved in making this Dream  into a Reality. You'll never know how much I appreciate you all for your kindness and contributions. Blessings to you all.  Connie